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  1. Look at RSG and ECL... including dividends they have been solid steady growers (stock price + div) over 15% each year.. RSG is 2nd largest trash collection firm in US. ECL does water maintenance, cleaning supplies globally.
  2. I have some additional questions/observations 1) can someone please post a link to the expanded QA transcript? 2) since his main goal was to acquire more shares and he has now .. I would think he either has or would at some point unwind the collar... unless he really is just using it to make a few million conservatively vs a substantial amount of it (with the corresponding risk of a substantial loss too if it didn’t work out) was completely unwound ... I would expect to see more form 4 filings ...
  3. I don’t see or hear anything in the video/transcript about the option collar.. Did Faber ask or are there any other sources where Malone addresses why he did the collar?
  4. This purchase is not quite straightforward as he also did a option collar -- looking out up to 8 years. If I am reading it correctly it's a bullish play? To those who know more of these items view it as protection for some of his 10MM shares or is it a separate play meant to add some additional upside without having to layout cash for another 3MM shares?
  5. Perhaps this can be a start? http://secfilings.com/
  6. Enjoy! Baanf and Jasper are beautiful!!
  7. My info is about a year old and may need to be reconfirmed... at that time fidelity you signed a foreign trading agreement and could go forth and trade either directly in many countries or for those farther a field (e.g. Brazil) you had to call and talk to he international trading desk... still pretty straightforward ... Schwab you had to open a second account and transfer funds in and out as needed for international trades... much less convenient ... I hope this helps.
  8. For those who have taken both the Toronto 5 day seminar and the New York 5 day at Columbia , what are the differences and which offers a more practical approach? I seek to learn more to manage my own funds. Assume I've already read the books and seek the the benefits of a classroom and interaction.
  9. Has anyone confirmed that WEB Stills owns his block from 2015?
  10. For the over 5% he has to file a 13g so an SECfilings update would Track of its under his personal name? Anyone know if he does it though a corporation like Gates does?
  11. I owned SFL (not currently) for several years starting after 2008... It paid a nice div and the CEO seemed to manage the down turn well (and continues too)...I sold out recently when it hit 18-19 because I had other stocks with more upside the STL at that level... Just my .02
  12. GNCMA is down by a third since January but they still seem to be executing though slowly on their plan. Are you continuing to hold to see how this year plays out or did you get out?
  13. Perhaps this is addressed elsewhere, but the actual manager listed for this report is not burry but his cfo from when he ran scion so perhaps these are not burry's picks??
  14. According to Gurufocus, looks like Klarman sold the majority of his position in first quarter of this year... Not a good sign, but who knows the whole story ...
  15. I invested in CHK in mid-2012 as a turn around on my own research...figuring it was worth a min of $35/share + ...saw is get to $31 and was holding for a few more $ :(...should have sold most... got out of a chunk as the oil prices dropped but still held onto rest... Probably should have taken a cue from Buffet when they existed the oil stocks e.g XOM and gotten completely out of CHK then...somehow also learn to recognize that a major trend is in place and not just a temp drop.
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