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  1. IB errors out for me on GME option trade attempt: "Transactions in this instrument are limited to closing-only trades". Unbelievable.
  2. with options expensive, has anyone risked just straight shorting this at this point of 300+ price?
  3. Not a bad idea at all. some of those premiums are pretty high looking
  4. Does this mean brokers convert these to Nasdaq automatically, or do I still need to sell TSXV shares myself manually?
  5. Has anyone seen this film: http://magnitskyact.com/
  6. Don't know if this was posted here before, but here's Jamie Dimon on bitcoin: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-13/jamie-dimon-lasts-one-day-on-his-vow-to-not-talk-about-bitcoin I happen to agree with him. He completely understands how fiat currencies work, and how currencies MUST go hand in hand with governments and sovereign state power.
  7. This was entertaining: https://www.thebeaverton.com/2017/03/lotto-649-commercial-features-dream-owning-1-bedroom-condo-toronto/
  8. If you look at all previous empires in recent centuries, they're still around and most of them became regular old first and more rarely second world countries -- UK, Japan, Spain, France, Turkey, etc. The big problem though, at least historically, is that the big shift from them being empires to no longer being empires required major wars to be fought out.
  9. The cost of climate change is like an ultimate economic externality. I'd argue that cost is already large and getting larger, it's just being paid by others.
  10. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4036/4254681996_27b1ed7ff0.jpg
  11. We had a semi-Indian wedding, can't remember how many people it was. Anyway, we spent about $10K on it, including a week stay at 2 rental houses on the beach for close family. And we got $9K or so back in wedding gifts. As in checks/cash in envelopes. If we did it right, we could have made money on our wedding. :) Not sure if checks in envelopes is a cultural thing though and not as widely practiced in more traditional American/Caucasian weddings.
  12. When the "free country acting to protect its citizens" is operating flying killer robot drones to terrorize women and children of a land half a world away, you gotta stop and ask yourself -- "are we the bad guys?". "Are we the Death Star?" "Are we the ultimate terrorists?"
  13. I wonder if it would have been more expensive with a house already removed.
  14. For what it's worth, 5 years ago I took a look at his VIC ideas (assuming michael99 is him), and most didn't work out well in the end. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/learning-from-michael-burry/msg54757/#msg54757
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