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  1. Completely agree! If that alzheimers drug works think of the cost it could save both the govt/insurance from not having to put people into homes or hire someone to take care of those with that dreaded disease. The benefits probably out weight the cost.
  2. Exxon loses board seats to activist hedge fund in landmark climate vote https://www.reuters.com/article/exxon-mobil-agm/update-7-exxon-aims-to-beat-back-dissidents-at-shareholder-meeting-showdown-idUSL2N2ND0SH Disclosure: No position
  3. Agreed I thought it was a no brainer at $12 per share; I dollar cost averaged in from $27 down to $12 per share with overall average around $27 per share. Any thoughts on its future from here with streaming growing at such a high rate of growth? I have sold out of my entire VIAC position. It just got too high above what I think intrinsic value is of the company. Gonna have to pay short term cap tax on some of it. :(
  4. Agreed I thought it was a no brainer at $12 per share; I dollar cost averaged in from $27 down to $12 per share with overall average around $27 per share. Any thoughts on its future from here with streaming growing at such a high rate of growth?
  5. I like the idea of using SPACs as a proxy for cash to earn a little extra than what the banks gives you but what concerns me is being able to do due diligence. For example, how do I determine how much cash being held in trust is per share and whether that is iron glad locked in or whether management can raid it for whatever they desire if they don't find an acquisition. One other question is less say you buy the SPAC below trust value of the cash assets (lets put trust value a $10 per share) however you can buy the SPAC at $9. Can you contact the company to have them write you a check for $10 before they find a target or before the funds must be returned? Thanks for your response. I am completely new to researching SPACs.
  6. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/03/media/amc-theatres-business-coronavirus/index.html AMC Theatres, the world's biggest movie theater chain, said on Wednesday that it has "substantial doubt" it can remain in business after closing locations across the globe during the coronavirus pandemic.
  7. I watched the ISS fly by the night of the launch. You could actually see the capsule trailing the station as it was preparing to dock. Pretty cool to see. I have watched a number of launches off the coast and watched the rockets coming down to land. It is really awesome to see.
  8. Empire State Building Slashes Carbon Emissions By 40% With Energy Saving Upgrades https://cleantechnica.com/2020/05/31/empire-state-building-slashes-carbon-emissions-by-40-with-energy-saving-upgrades/ Over the past decade, the trust that owns the Empire State Building has invested more than $30 million to make it more energy efficient. Today, the improvements made over the past decade are saving $4 million in electricity every year and the project is expected to pay for itself twice over. The elevators in the building now have energy recovery systems. Think of them as regenerative braking devices that operate vertically instead of horizontally. Every light in the entire building is now an LED, including those that flash from its top at night to remind New Yorkers that brighter days are ahead despite the darkness on the land at present. Every window has been upgraded to the highest energy conservation standards. Automated window treatments adjust the amount of daylight that enters the rooms during the day to reduce heating and cooling needs and decrease the amount of electricity needed to illuminate the rooms. Heating devices have been modified to make them more efficient. Here is the much longer article from the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/climate-solutions/empire-state-building-emissions/?itid=hp_hp-more-top-stories_climate-solutions-1110am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans
  9. Figures! Better safe than sorry I guess.
  10. I bought AXP in 2009 when the company was around $14 per share and wish I had sold it when it was trading in $130 range.. I hope they are buying back aggressively at these levels (I would even be ok with them suspending dividends to buy back when it gets really cheap).
  11. Hi Gregmal, Where can I find the financials for MSGE? Thanks
  12. Thank you all for the comments. My employer does contribute a certain amount to what I put in so I will keep the account and transfer money over as it deposited in from my paycheck and what my employer matches. I am planning to contact Fidelity as I already have an account with them. So just to confirm, I can't move 401K over to self managed account?
  13. I have looked at the investment options in my employer's HSA & 401 K plans. The investments offered are limited to a handful of mutual funds that have high fees/high turn over. Do I have the option of moving from the employer selected administrator to another one where I can invest my own funds in individual stocks, bonds, etc like I do in an IRA? I am not getting any answers from my employer's HR or administrator's CSR department. Thanks
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