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  1. I came across this presentation: https://www.artberman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/LSU-NOV-22-2019_REDUCED-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2vp4dMOfs6YcH22SIK7ZNOPbJu9-x6Md4Yb_N-4b9zCYFz65dy7O3CMfU
  2. Just a reminder, last day to trade the warrants. Or you will have to exercise them after today.
  3. It's also on my list, with the Model 3 and the Kia e-Niro. Why is the LEAF your 1st pick Liberty?
  4. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/columnists/daniel-howes/2018/11/16/gm-drives-transformation-promising-risk-disruption/2014335002/
  5. https://www.tesla.com/blog/company-update
  6. One thing is for sure, Tesla in the US is so far still the only player who aims for volume in the EV world: https://insideevs.com/august-2018-plug-in-electric-vehicles-sales-report-card/
  7. I think it's fair to say that Elon Musk is exhausted: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/business/elon-musk-interview-tesla.html?
  8. Or her Model 3? Or a non-binary Model 3? Sorry, I should have said its Model 3...this neutral thing doesn't exist in French, we instead have arbitrary designed gender for everything, so a car is feminine, a vehicle is masculine and an automobile is feminine and so on ::)
  9. Speaking about Tesla, has anyone on this board been delivered his Model 3?
  10. Yeah, I'm not too concerned with the heat from human energy usage making any real difference to global temperatures, since the sun delivers more energy to earth in an hour than humanity consumes in a year. There is exponential growth in human energy usage, but my belief today, based on the work of Hans Rosling, is that the earth's population is topping out pretty soon, so I think that'll slow down the exponential growth. Thus, I don't think the heat of human energy usage will be a problem for a while, only the emissions which result in the retention of the sun's energy. In this regard, I encourage everyone to look at the Population and Energy sections from www.ourworldindata.org
  11. Hey Cardboard, I don't know how is your French, but here is a paper I pretty much agree with: http://mi.lapresse.ca/screens/a12d1969-dd02-4953-b002-6540401f1697__7C___0.html?utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=Microsite+Share&utm_content=Screen We have had those discussions in the past about environmentalists blocking pipelines. While I am not pro-pipelines, I do agree that it is much better to work toward reducing our petrol consumption, making them obsolete, than fighting ad nauseam to block them. What I am afraid though is that we are not doing enough and that IMO should be part of the governement job to accelerate the transition toward a zero carbon world. Seeing the PLC wanting to invest in pipelines is quite weird. I can understand them not wanting to be at war with Alberta, but there are some limits. And when Trudeau says that we don't have to compromise between environment and economy, he forget to say that's what we've been doing for a many decades already. And I do agree that it is quite hypocritical from BC (or Quebec) on that matter to be heavily against pipelines while not putting all efforts to reduce our needs for oil. Still, it is legitimate to ask questions about assets that are riky, particularly when you are just a way of passage and that it doesn't provide a lot of benefit to you, as would have been the case for Energy East in Quebec for example.
  12. What do you think about this paper: http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-14/issue-12/features/peak-oil-demand.html?
  13. Hey Carboard, and others, here is a blog that you could find interesting about oil and its impact on the world economy: https://ourfiniteworld.com/2018/03/13/our-latest-oil-predicament/
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