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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. So what you wrote was callous, but you had good reasons. Ok. Personally I prefer neutral terms when talking about the death and illness of people. I still think the point I made generally applies. There's way too much casual and accepted discrimination against whole groups of people based solely on their age, which is just as out-of-their-control as their gender or color of their skin or sexual orientation or whatever.
  2. I hope someday what happened to racism and sexism happens to ageism. People are people, with inherent worth and dignity, they are not worth less because their bodies are sick and frail and they have had many birthdays. Now I know you said "economically", but the tone still got to me. Maybe you didn't mean it to come across this callous with the lives of people who often already have tough lives. No, I had intended to use a clinical tone to deal with that age cohort. I have several family and friends who are in that cohort and I fully expect to lose more than a few from Covid. When that happens, it will be sad for me and those around me. But, when dealing with the aggregate question, you need to remain distant, clinical, and ideally, objective. SJ My bad, I didn't realize that "clean out" and "croak" were clinical terms.
  3. Paper that looks at potential seasonality: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3550308 PDF here Also, what a competent response can do:
  4. I hope someday what happened to racism and sexism happens to ageism. People are people, with inherent worth and dignity, they are not worth less because their bodies are sick and frail and they have had many birthdays. Now I know you said "economically", but the tone still got to me. Maybe you didn't mean it to come across this callous with the lives of people who often already have tough lives.
  5. What's scary is that even if you don't die, it sounds like complications from lung fibrosis can have long-lasting/permanent deleterious effects in at-risk populations like the elderly.
  6. https://business.financialpost.com/pmn/press-releases-pmn/business-wire-news-releases-pmn/altius-announces-third-renewable-energy-royalty-from-tge-transaction I'm glad more money is going into renewables. An important sector that I want to see grow as fast as possible. But as previously mentioned, I fail to see where Altius' competitive advantage is in financing these projects and why they should make a great return on that capital in this fairly commoditized field. As for the stock, it first traded at this price in 2006...
  7. Congrats, mazel tov, shaadi ki badhai, felice matrimonio, tillykke, bednierebas gisurveb, meilleurs voeux!
  8. "Immigration judges have been putting up CDC coronavirus prevention posters in their courtrooms. The Trump administration just ordered them to take them down. To be really really clear, these are government-issued posters on mitigating coronavirus transmission, produced by the CDC and put up voluntarily by immigration judges in their own work spaces. And the Trump DOJ has ORDERED that they be taken down nationwide." https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article241046076.html Also:
  9. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/08/oil-plummets-30percent-as-opec-deal-failure-sparks-price-war-fears.html
  10. 2018: https://twitter.com/nadabakos/status/959404044090593281?s=21
  11. If anyone worried that the people in charge have it under control, rest assured:
  12. Good question. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. So far they haven't shown a tendency like Google to spend huge amounts on stuff that mostly doesn't go anywhere, and they have enough smart people to know if they have a differentiated approach (that maybe isn't tried elsewhere because the financial incentives don't line up for big pharma?).
  13. Yeah, there's going to be a win from the hygiene awareness. Hopefully it's long-lasting, and maybe even it becomes part of western culture that when you're sick, you stay home or wear a mask in public and don't contaminate everybody needlessly.
  14. I sure hope they succeed: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/06/amazon-is-secretly-working-on-a-cure-for-the-common-cold.html
  15. No, the concept simply shows that if you can squish down the curve, you get benefits, which is hard to understand for the "well, the genie's out of the bottle, it's all pointless, nothing to be done" crowd. And it does change what is coming, nothing about this is binary. Not shown on the graph is also the possibility of a vaccine, so you could draw a vertical line at some point, and the part of the cruve that gets squished past that line could also have it a lot better by vaccinating the most at-risk populations.
  16. The graphic is an illustration of a concept, not a prediction or data about current levels of anything. I thought that was incredibly obvious so didn't think necessary to mention.
  17. Why fret? We’ve made America great again! U.S. cases up to 230, more than 100% in 3 days. Almost like there is a lack of testing leading to falsely low counts...still under testing and more delays in test kit rollouts...
  18. https://business.financialpost.com/commodities/energy/oil-consumption-to-fall-by-largest-volume-on-record-dealing-fresh-blow-to-oilpatch
  19. Some big projects using computational protein design to work on COVID-19 (you can contribute your CPU/GPU cycles): https://deepmind.com/research/open-source/computational-predictions-of-protein-structures-associated-with-COVID-19 https://foldingathome.org/2020/02/27/foldinghome-takes-up-the-fight-against-covid-19-2019-ncov/ https://fold.it/portal/node/2008926 http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
  20. Good they're investing, but I've read press releases and seen concept cars at auto shows for over a decade now. Nothing gets my pulse up much anymore until it's a production vehicle that people can buy in large numbers.
  21. “ Here is the President of the United States telling the country it's okay to go to work with Coronavirus. I'm not kidding” “To get a sense of how badly the US government is handling the coronavirus pandemic, consider that of this week they had only done 500 tests in a population of 330million. Australia has tested 10,000 people with a population of 25million“
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