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CSD - Guggenheim Spin-Off ETF


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Anyone own this?

Or review it to steal ideas?


Based off of the Beacon Spin-off Index.

The universe of companies eligible for inclusion in the Index includes companies that have been spun-off within the past 30 months (but not more recently than six months prior to the applicable rebalancing date), without limitations on market capitalization (including micro-cap securities), but which are primarily small- and mid-cap companies with capitalizations under $10 billion. Beacon Indexes LLC (“Beacon” or the “Index Provider”) defines a spin-off company as any company resulting from either of the following events: a spin-off distribution of stock of a subsidiary company by its parent company to parent company shareholders or equity “carve-outs” or “partial initial public offerings” in which a parent company sells a percentage of the equity of a subsidiary to public shareholders.

Total Assets=$720 mil - seems to have pulled in a lot of money over the last 12 months (with the good 2013 performance).

Net Expense Ratio=65bps




as of 6/10/14

Export  Export in Excel

Ticker Name Shares / Par Value Market Value Weighting

WWAV WHITEWAVE FOODS CO - CL A 1,380,235 $44,912,847 6.24 %

TRIP TRIPADVISOR INC 346,764 $35,605,728 4.95 %

PSX PHILLIPS 66 425,385 $35,234,640 4.90 %

WPX WPX ENERGY INC 1,592,977 $34,185,286 4.75 %

KRFT KRAFT FOODS GROUP INC 563,263 $33,756,352 4.69 %

XYL XYLEM INC/NY 878,074 $33,480,962 4.65 %

ABBV ABBVIE INC 596,090 $32,170,977 4.47 %

STRZA STARZ - A 1,066,189 $32,006,994 4.45 %

XLS EXELIS INC 1,730,536 $30,509,350 4.24 %

MPC MARATHON PETROLEUM CORP. 353,753 $30,313,095 4.21 %

FBHS FORTUNE BRANDS HOME & SECURI 709,768 $28,844,972 4.01 %

AMCX AMC NETWORKS INC-A 467,416 $28,348,780 3.94 %

CST CST BRANDS INC 800,990 $27,858,432 3.87 %

AAMC ALTISOURCE ASSET MANAGEMENT 25,176 $27,197,633 3.78 %

LMCA LIBERTY MEDIA CORP - A 201,111 $26,401,852 3.67 %

POST POST HOLDINGS INC 480,815 $24,781,205 3.44 %

ADT ADT CORP/THE 728,069 $24,579,609 3.42 %

VAC MARRIOTT VACATIONS WORLD 382,861 $21,581,875 3.00 %

SBGL SIBANYE GOLD- SPON ADR 2,051,245 $20,594,500 2.86 %

ARP ATLAS RESOURCE PARTNERS LP 943,168 $18,589,841 2.58 %

NRZ NEW RESIDENTIAL INVESTMENT 2,795,018 $18,139,667 2.52 %

BPY BROOKFIELD PROPERTY PARTNERS 870,801 $17,877,545 2.48 %

HY HYSTER-YALE MATERIALS 183,703 $16,478,159 2.29 %

RESI ALTISOURCE RESIDENTIAL CORP 561,689 $15,946,351 2.22 %

SXC SUNCOKE ENERGY INC 745,459 $15,117,909 2.10 %

FRGI FIESTA RESTAURANT GROUP 275,001 $11,929,543 1.66 %

RSE ROUSE PROPERTIES INC 603,669 $9,912,245 1.38 %

SBY SILVER BAY REALTY TRUST CORP 412,548 $6,505,882 0.90 %

ERA ERA GROUP INC 215,805 $6,372,722 0.89 %

PRTA PROTHENA CORP PLC 238,425 $5,252,503 0.73 %

LMOS LUMOS NETWORKS CORP 230,004 $3,210,856 0.45 %

GNE GENIE ENERGY LTD-B 210,139 $1,475,176 0.20 %

NCQ NOVACOPPER INC 578,309 $549,394 0.08 %

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I own a little mostly just to track the portfolio in case some spins escape my attention.  They didn't rebalance the index for a long time a couple of years ago which gave me some concern (I thought it might be indicia of neglect).  But that was when it was underperforming the broad index.

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