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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160620005993/en/Liberty-Global-Announces-Final-Ratio-LiLAC-Group LILA distribution ratio has been announced, 8.01482.
  2. John Oliver's piece is also pretty strongly against:
  3. Pretty much every big 'foreign' company gets squeezed in some way or other there. Ben Thompson is speculating that the Didi investment made by Apple was basically a forced investment, a price to pay to operate there. This makes me nervous too, but I don't think the price to pay will be as high as not being able to do business there. Just all kinds of annoying things like that.
  4. Pretty ridiculous. But saw this on Twitter:
  5. http://business.financialpost.com/personal-finance/mortgages-real-estate/sorry-kids-no-detached-homes-for-you-at-least-in-toronto-and-vancouver#__lsa=1985-7507
  6. No schadenfreude from me. Like many, I read the early coverage of the company and of Holmes and thought it sounded like very interesting tech and a very talented entrepreneur. Too bad it turned out that way...
  7. No offense but that's a worthless argument. This kinda slavish, blind adulation of well-known investors is what led people to end up going long VRX or ZINC. You could have all of this argument in the whole world condensed into one cube. It would fit into your living room. What are you gonna do with it, you can fondle it, but it produces nothing. Instead you could have 10 exxon valdez and all the corn fields in the USA. What's it gonna be, a fondling cube or 10 exxon valdez? This argument ultimately has no value because it produces nothing, even though lots of people are willing to buy it. I'll allow it.
  8. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-valeant-lawsuit-whistleblower-idUSKCN0YV2F1
  9. http://www.theverge.com/2016/6/9/11896534/jennifer-lawrence-adam-mckay-theranos-movie-elizabeth-holmes Now the story is complete ...
  10. http://www.bnn.ca/News/2016/6/3/Another-record-breaking-month-for-Toronto-housing-amid-fears-of-overheating-.aspx http://ctvbnn.s3.amazonaws.com/Images/ImageLibrary/RealEstate/Suburbs.png http://ctvbnn.s3.amazonaws.com/Vancouver.png
  11. Reuters piece on a potential VOD-LBTYA deal, and how O2 being back in play could catalyze things: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-telecoms-malone-idUSKCN0YS0LI
  12. All at once, no playing around!
  13. Schwab, I think they usually stream the whole day. Also, TDG will join the SP500 on june 2, up about 4% after hours.
  14. I'm sorry, this is off-topic, but this associate portfolio manager is named Jesse Gamble? Talk about a name that probably doesn't project "conservative asset allocation" to the LPs :)
  15. Not clear how serious they ever were, but apparently they considered buying TWX last year: http://9to5mac.com/2016/05/26/report-apple-considered-buying-time-warner-last-year-will-ramp-spending-on-original-tv-content/
  16. 47-minute interview with Bezos. Sorry if a repost. https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/postlive/prime-time-a-conversation-with-jeff-bezos/2016/05/18/3ceb5154-1d55-11e6-82c2-a7dcb313287d_video.html
  17. Heico's fiscal q2 is out: http://globenewswire.com/newsroom/nitfitem/843435/en?f=22&fvtc=10&fvtv=4567 Revs up 20%, net income 17%, op income 20%, op margin was 19%, CFFO up 58% YTD, 147% of net income.
  18. What do you get out of the n`th hour researching a stock? I look up the history of the numbers in morningstar or gurufocus, think about the business (moat, etc.) for some minutes, fly over the annual report reading whats interesting to me and then add the numbers to my spreadsheet. After that i maybe read some SA articles or look if i find a writeup in VIC. Most of the time i know enough to pull the trigger after that. But with 4% positions i have room for mistakes and i mainly clone others, so my picks are already filtered. I doubt that more information is helpful to make better returns, probably the opposite is the case. Its impossible to know what happens exactly in the future, so more information probably leads only to overconfidence. I think it's useful to know the industry dynamics, the management's approach, who the competitors are, any potential regulatory problems on the horizon, looking at the filings and transcripts, etc. But to each their own.
  19. You built a 4% position after knowing the company for 1 hour? I suppose that's what's called firing from the hip. Glad it's working out well for you.
  20. How long do your batteries last and what do you do to them? I've never owned a macbook, but I've had Dell laptops where the battery holds noticeably less charge after only about a year and a half. I've replaced it with an aftermarket battery which only lasted about a year. I'd expect to keep a laptop 4-5+ years these days. My 2007 Macbook's battery lasted 4-5 years. And it wasn't a pro model. Dell probably doesn't use very good batteries.
  21. http://www.transdigm.com/mobile.view?c=196053&v=203&d=1&id=2172231 950m note due 2026.
  22. How long do your batteries last and what do you do to them?
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